How Appiani tiles can transform a tired space.
Appiani tiles are a unique, gorgeous addition to your home. Not only can they strengthen the most aesthetic areas of your home, but they can transform the tired spaces too. Here are a few ways that Appiani tiles can completely reinvigorate your space.
One of the best things to come out of the Appiani designs are the pattern. With our unique process, we are able to create a number of different patterns that work phenomenally across your home. These can used to effectively add expression with both boldness and charm. This works well in entranceways and other area where it is important to make a big first impression.

As much as we love the statement tile designs, the more simplistic ones are just as able to revitalise a tired space with a great touch of class. Perfect for areas where you’d prefer a smooth feel instead of exuberance, try subtle, textures styles of Appiani tiles in bathrooms, kitchens and other frequently used spaces.

For an elegance that also pops, more colourful options work well. Smooth colours like this pastel green, are perfect for spaces that need a little extra vitality. Think about these for areas in your home that may be a little tucked away, but still deserve some liveliness, such as ensuites.

The almost industrial feeling that certain designs of Appiani tiles emit can be harnessed in brilliant ways. WIthout being too jarring, it can completely differentiate two spaces and provide a sophisticated design element. It works well in areas that need that extra pull or with open space walls.

These are just a couple of ways in which Appiani tiles can work to awaken tired spaces with class and pop. What other ways have you thought about using them? For more inspiration, visit our showroom to check out all the amazing design options.
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